Acts 3:25
“You are the sons of the prophets and of the covenant that God made with your fathers, saying to Abraham, ‘And in your offspring shall all the families of the earth be blessed.’”

AND IN YOUR OFFSPRING SHALL ALL THE FAMILIES OF THE EARTH BE BLESSED. Even after this culture kills the Christ, God is not done with them yet. His mercy is evidence in each of these verses, and God is still offering His hand of salvation through Jesus to them. This covenant that God made with them in Genesis is still applicable today, but better! They now can accept payment for their sins, not through the blood of bulls and lambs, but from the blood of Jesus. The plan from the beginning was

To the Jews
And through
The Jews

The gospel was to go to the Jews, and then through the Jews to the ends of the earth. Nothing can stop the plan of God, not even a nation known for its stubbornness, and selfishness. Praise God! I see this stubborn selfishness in me, and I am glad God is not done with me, when my selfishness rises to the top. Father God, allow me to be a conduit of Your grace and mercy to those around me today. Allow me to get my pride out of the way, and allow Your love, mercy and grace to shine through this earthly body, by Your grace, reflect Your heavenly goodness, through me, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

ACTION: Be a conduit (Con-do-it) of grace