Acts 4:5-6
“On the next day their rulers and elders and scribes gathered together in Jerusalem, with Annas the high priest and Caiaphas and John and Alexander, and all who were of the high-priestly family.”
It’s interesting how upset the leadership of Israel is that these two men have healed this once lame man in the name of Jesus. There are 11 GROUPS of leaders coming together to oppose these 2 men. This would be like being brought before our Supreme Court on steroids. Most likely these religious leaders would have been yelling at these two men one after another and even at the same time, telling these two men that they (“The Supreme Court”) have the power and authority to tell them what they can say and cannot say. This would naturally make men draw back and cower, but these two men take the supernatural approach.
Natural strength cowers
Supernatural strength
In our culture, the enemy rarely needs to persecute Jesus followers. Satan only needs to distract the apprentice of Jesus with selfish pride, a need for acceptance or status. The apprentice of Jesus that is filled with His Spirit will lead the unbeliever to Jesus with their courage, whereas the self-centered so called Christian Is despised by the world. Father God, help me to see persecution for what it is, and to courageously walk in Your Spirit to fulfill Your design and not my desires. Allow Your courageous Spirit in me to be seen as peace, hospitality and kindness, so that You change hearts and transform lives through my walk and rhythm with You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
ACTION: Be strong and courageous