Acts 3:18
“But what God foretold by the mouth of all the prophets, that his Christ would suffer, he thus fulfilled.”

God had been preparing His people through prophets for thousands of years, and keeping record of it in the Old Testament. The people should have been ready for Jesus, their Messiah, but they could not understand from the Scripture how a conquering King would suffer as He served.

The offense
Of the cross
Was their great

God’s batting average is 1000. He never misses and never makes a mistake. The Messiah being a man is all over the Old Testament, and so is His suffering and dying. All that Jesus went through was prophesied before hand, and brings great hope to us today, that our King will return. His first coming was literally and completely fulfilled, so we have confidence that His second coming will be literal and complete. Father God, thank You for the clarity of Your written Word. Help me to study and know Your Word in such a way that not only prepares me fully for Jesus’ return, but prepares many around me for His Kingdom reign, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

ACTION: Trust the Truth