Small Groups
Making Disciples that Make Disciples
South Holly is not just a church WITH small groups, we are a church OF small groups.
“And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building UP the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ… speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow, so that it builds itself up in love.” [Ephesians 4:11-16]
Small Groups are the way in which we make disciples that make disciples. The Bible contains a message that is simple, hopeful, and yet so counter to our culture. We are called to live a life that is different from those around us because of what Jesus did: He lived a perfect life, died on the cross and rose again, proving to be God and having the very power over life and death. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to live a life worthy of the Gospel. We are called as followers of Jesus to strive for the faith of the gospel side by side. We do this in and through our Small Groups. We focus on leading the Small Group leaders to shepherd members in living out the fifty-nine “One Anothers” in Scripture. These actions are rooted in love that can only be administered through the power of the Holy Spirit.