Acts 4:22
“For the man on whom this sign of healing was performed was more than forty years old.”
This man was walking proof in the face of all those who doubted. He was lame from birth, and for forty years. The people in this town saw him, knew him, and pitied him. Now this grown man is walking and leaping, and saying that he was healed in the name of Jesus!
Miracles are sign posts
Pointing to Jesus
Now this man’s entire life points directly to Jesus, and the people in charge who do not want to lose their power, have to concede to the “Dunamis” (power of God) every time they see this man, or challenge these disciples. Father God, make my life a sign post that points to Jesus. Let it be that when people hear my story, or see my life, they are pointed to You at every turn and around every corner. Allow Your “Dunamis” to be seen and heard in my life today, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
ACTION: Point people to Jesus