Acts 3:21
“whom heaven must receive until the time for restoring all the things about which God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets long ago.”

Although the prophets spoke of the Messiah, His death and suffering and His rising from the dead, there was nothing written about Jesus’s ascension, yet all the disciples, about 500 in all watched Him go to heaven. They did not understand that Jesus came to pay for sin, and give His power and authority to His people through salvation and His Spirit. This is not about Jesus ruling on earth and then the church age, but Jesus ruling before the foundation of time, Jesus ruling as He was on earth and then Jesus ruling through His followers by the power of His Spirit. Jesus came to

Restore all things
Died and rose to
Restore all things
Gave us His Spirit to
Restore all things
And will return to finally
Restore all things

There is a day, that we all look forward to, when Jesus comes back, and restore all that is broken and establishes His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Father God, I look forward to this day with great expectations, and at the same time desire to be apart of Your restoration process now. Help me to keep my eyes on You today, and join You in Your work, so that Your Kingdom can be clearly seen here and now, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

ACTION: Keep my eyes on Jesus and join Him