Acts 1:8
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses…”

The disciples want to talk about the future, Jesus is concerned with the present. The disciples want to talk about the Messianic Kingdom, Jesus is talking about the Holy Spirit, the disciples want to talk about the restoration of a nation, Jesus wants to talk about saving all the souls on earth. Our picture of what is actually happening is obtuse.

Before the church
Was sent into the world
Jesus sent the Spirit
Into the church.

When we rely on politics, we know what politics can do. When we rely on education we know what education can do, when we rely on leaders we know what organizations can do, when we rely on the Holy Spirit, we know what God can do. Father God, help me to rely on Your Spirit today and each day, allowing You to accomplish Your desired outcome in and through my life, rather than my plan. Help me to align my life with Your plan, so that when You speak I understand Your will and the way You want it done. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

ACTION: Stop confusing my ideas with God’s plan