Acts 4:2
“greatly annoyed because they were teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection from the dead.”

This is the first opposition to the Kingdom, since the resurrection, and it did not come from outside, but inside. This persecution was not from the pagan world, but from religious leaders. When Jesus was alive on earth, His main opposition were the Pharisees, now that Jesus ministry is through the apostles, the Sadducees become the main threat. Religion and the resurrection oppose one another. Religion gives the right for people to tell other people what to do. The resurrection sets people free to live with Jesus, with the Word at our feet and the Spirit of God leading the way.

Preaching the

These religious leaders are beyond annoyed, not because of the public gathering, but they knew this threatened their power and authority over the people. Jesus rising from the dead means, that Jesus is the Son of God, His Word can be fully trusted, His sacrifice was acceptable to God, we can be fully forgiven for our sins by God, and that one day Jesus will conquer death once and for all! Father God, thank You for Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. Thank You for what this meant then, and what this means for us now. Allow me to focus on the resurrection today, preach the resurrection in deed and word, and live my life through the power of the resurrection today, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

ACTION: Preach the resurrection to myself and others today in deed and word