Acts 4:7
“And when they had set them in the midst, they inquired, “By what power or by what name did you do this?””

These apprentices of Jesus are brought into the Hall of Hewn Stones. This is where their trial will be held, and the meeting place of the Sanhedrin, which is the high priest who presides over the 70 men in leadership. This is a power play by the leaders and a tactic to intimidate others. Just weeks before this Peter was intimidated by a servant girl, but was empty at the time, being full of self righteousness, but now he is full of the Holy Spirit. They inquire about

The Power and
The Name

They want to know the source of this power! They don’t understand, they are confused and afraid they will lose their power over the people, and their grip on governing. The power comes from the Presence of God. God with us! They also, don’t understand that all authority and power had been given to these men, to evangelize the world in the name of Jesus. All the power is in the Presence of Jesus, who resides in the hearts of His followers. Father God, You alone have all the power. You are in control, You are the One who gives and takes away. Help me to submit to Your will today, and wield the power of Your Presence according to Your plan. Allow me to cling to You, and be used by You to accomplish Your plan, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

ACTION: Stay with the Power Source