Acts 4:4
“But many of those who had heard the word believed, and the number of the men came to about five thousand.”

Peter and John speak to these people, (over 5000 people), and the once lame man, is probably right next to them as proof. The Word of God is being preached and proven before their eyes, and the Sadducees are trying to stifle the Word and constrain the Good News, but –

Persecution promotes
The Word spreading and
The saving of souls

Constraint is the seed of the Church. Where there is duress, the followers of Jesus multiply, the church grows, and the gospel advances. You can kill and stifle the followers of Jesus, but the Word of God cannot be muffled. PERSECUTION ALWAYS STRENGTHENS AND PURIFIES THE CHURCH. Father God, thank You for Your beautiful constraints. The pressure put on us as Your people that grows Your Kingdom, and the physical duress put on me, so that Your plan can move forward. Allow me to submit quickly in Joy, to Your plan, as You further Your Kingdom as my priority, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

ACTION: See constraint as God Kingdom advancements