Acts 7:31
“When Moses saw it, he was amazed at the sight, and as he drew near to look, there came the voice of the Lord:”
This is a brilliant argument, and it should be impacted the hearers hearts, opening their minds, and widening their eyes to God, and His True nature. This “sight” was a burning bush, that was not being consumed by the fire, AND God’s presence is within the bush, and God’s voice comes from the bush. This place is no where near the temple, or Jerusalem. God reveals Himself in a foreign land, far from the temple location. This should wake these religious leaders out of their stubborn stupor.
Our God cannot be
boxed in
Or control
This is astonishing, and should make us bow down in joy with love over and over, day after day, moment by moment. Father God, You are the Possessor, the Master, the Owner of all things and all people. You possess all power, and all authority, and are completely sovereign. You have absolute power and uncontested power, AND You are good, perfect in Love. Help me to know this more today, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
ACTION: Be astonished at God continually