Acts 4:20
“for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard.”

We cannot stop! It would have been easy for Peter to be silent and let the dice roll and land where it may, but Peter has walked with Jesus, watched Him beaten, put on cross, laid dead in a grave and saw Him alive again, give the eleven commands to go and tell others and then, right before his very eyes, Jesus floated, levitated and rose up to heaven. How could Peter not be a witness.

Witnesses simply speak
About what they have
Seen and heard

Peter is convicted in his soul to NOT stop speaking about what he has seen and heard from Jesus and is remembering Jesus’ final command to take this testimony from Jerusalem, to Judea, into Samaria and to the ends of the earth. This message is spoken into the heart of Jerusalem at this very moment. Father God, thank You for Your grace, and mercy in my life. Let me never stop speaking of Your goodness, and Your love towards me, and the world. Help me to notice more and more of Your handiwork, to hear Your voice crystal clear, and to never stop speaking about You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.