Acts 3:23
“And it shall be that every soul who does not listen to that prophet shall be destroyed from the people.”

Peter has just preached Jesus as King of kings, Lord of angel armies, and the One Messiah as our One God. He is warning the Jews and us that if they and we fail to believe Jesus, then we suffer and experience eternal separation from God. They had refused to hear and heed Moses, now they are in danger of not hearing and heeding Jesus. The message from Jesus and the prophets is clear:

We either live
Eternally or
Die eternally

Peter’s warning is broadened from just this Jewish audience to all mankind as this message is written down for all eternity. To fail to hear and heed the Words of Jesus, means you choose your fate, to die eternally separated from Jesus and to live eternity in hell where the worm does not die. Father God, thank You for Your mercy. Your mercy to make this message so crystal clear, Your mercy to make a way, Your mercy to pay my penalty for my sin, Your mercy to save my soul for all of eternity. Give me the grace to live this mercy out in my life today, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

ACTION: Give the same mercy I received away today