Acts 7:32
“‘I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob.’ And Moses trembled and did not dare to look.”
Stephen is being accused of blaspheming God, but Stephen does not directly defend himself, but continues to quote directly from Scripture! His defense would remind the Sadducees listening of what Jesus said just weeks before this about Himself. Our God, Jesus Christ,
Is the God of the
Not the God
Of the dead
Moses hid his face at this encounter with God, but through the life and work of Jesus, we get to seek God’s face daily, and be in His Presence continually! Father God, thank You for the work of Your Son Jesus, His life, death and resurrection! Thank You for coming to us, to me, and making a way forward towards You. Allow me to abide with You today, to remain in Your Presence no matter the obstacle or observance I walk through this day, in Jesus’ name, Amen.