Acts 3:17
“And now, brothers, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did also your rulers.”

It could have been easy for Peter, whose eyes have been opened to look down his nose at these sinners, and condemn them as he stood in righteousness. Peter does not do this, and that approach does not work. Instead Peter reveals a tender heart toward them and associates himself with them while addressing them as brethren. Peter too denied Jesus, as we all once did at some point in our lives. The goal is to bring them to repentance, and the way to do this is kindness.

Hearts are melted
By kindness
Not from

Ignorance is not an excuse but an explanation. Ignorance is not innocence either. They need the Truth wrapped in mercy, and that is what Peter does here by delivering the message of salvation, and NOT giving them what they deserve. Father God, thank You for showing me kindness, mercy and love when I walk away from You. Help me to receive this mercy, and give this mercy away to those around me today, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

ACTION: Give kindness, love and gentleness away