Acts 3:15
“and you killed the Author of life, whom God raised from the dead. To this we are witnesses.”
The pain continues, and Peter continues to drive this point home, strait to their heart. He turns the temple into a court room and calls them all to the stand. Nobody can deny the miracle, because the beggar is standing right there, and Peter is telling them Jesus healed this once lame, but now healed man. The Jesus that healed this man, is the same Jesus they called out for death on a cross, while letting a convicted murder free. Peter tells them their sin is the cause for the cross.
The Prince of life
Was put to death
Jesus is the Author of Life, the Bread of Life, the Originator of Life, the Sustainer of Life, the Word of Life, and laid His life down willingly to save the world from their sin, and took His life up again, because death could not hold Him. Any person who denies this Truth is guilty of sin, and the same spirit is them, the spirit of death, and the reason why Jesus died. Father God, I was lost, blind and a sinner, but because I have placed my hope and trust in Jesus, as my Living Lord, I am covered in His perfect holiness, and restored to life and life to the fullest. Help me to live life from this place, and become a giver of this life to those around me, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
ACTION: Give Life