Acts 7:50
“Did not my hand make all these things?’”
Stephen is demolishing their deepest thought about their prize possession. God’s hand is a metaphor for God Himself, meaning God made everything in heaven and on the earth! Stephen is trying to make the point towards these leaders, that God, from Moses to Solomon changed so many things with creativity and innovation. What makes them believe that the temple was to be permanent?
Our God
Does not Change
But is all about
Changing us
God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is unchanging, and is all about changing hearts and lives. For us, change can be hard. We like to know, to be certain, to feel stable in this life, and God uses change to grab our attention. Sometimes it is a change of scenery, a job change, or a change of pace, so that we walk with Him, and keep Him alone as our Stability. Some have said, the only constant in life, is change. Father God, You are sovereign, and nothing slips through Your fingers or falls out of Your grasp. All change in our life, is planned by You. Help me to see change as being beautiful and pointing towards You as my Rock and my Redeemer. Allow me to walk on solid ground as I walk with You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
ACTION: Embrace change