Acts 3:22
“Moses said, ‘The Lord God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brothers. You shall listen to him in whatever he tells you.”
Peter continues to build the case for these Jewish listeners who were stuck on the law. Peter just told them that they were told about Jesus coming by the prophets, so Peter gives them an example from the book of Deuteronomy and the mouth of their greatest prophet in their history. Jesus was not like the other prophets, but did submit to the Father and speak for Him as the prophets, but Jesus was the Son of God, God Himself on the earth, among His people.
The warning here is to
Hear and to Heed
It is not good enough to just hear the Word of God, but we must obey God’s Word. The original language has the idea of hearing and heeding contained in this verb to hear. For us as followers of Jesus, our life is marked by listening to God, and obeying God. Too often Christians are 300 lbs overweight spiritually because they keep consuming God’s Word and then doing nothing about it. We must “work out” our own salvation in fear and trembling by the power of the Holy Spirit. Father God, help me to stay in shape spiritually. To constantly hear Your Word, and continually work it out of my life by Your power and Your Presence, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
ACTION: Hear and Heed