Acts 4:34
“There was not a needy person among them, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold”
There is always a need to be filled. Jesus said, the poor you will have with you always. We see what God’s Great Grace does inside a community of people that are sold out for Jesus. This Great Grace not only enabled apostolic preaching, but supernatural community. This Great Grace on and in the believers compels them to be one in spirit, one in heart, and one with stuff.
Great Grace compels –
The haves
To help
The have nots
Not much has changed for thousands of years. If Jesus is not our King, then money can become our god. Amazon has become the idol that reminds us of who is king of our lives. A package at my door a day reminds me who is king, and a double click here, a double click there reveals the power I have in my own life. These followers of Jesus, lay at the alter their money, wealth and land, because it distracts them from being warriors for Jesus, and on mission with Him.
A distracted warrior
is always
A destructive warrior
Father God, help me to understand this passage more in my own context and life. Help me to see my own sin, and how I participate in selfishness, and not Your Great Grace that compels me to give it all away, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
ACTION: What can I give away? What can I stop?