Acts 4:33
“And with great power the apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all.”
Their prayers are immediately answered! They are supernaturally sharing the gospel, by the supernatural power of God in and through them. This is the result of the root and we see the fruit. The root is putting God first, people second and material possession a distant third. The fruit is God’s Grace in and through them. God was accomplishing through them supernaturally what they could not accomplish naturally.
Grace is
God actively working in
And through us to achieve
What we could not
On our own
Seeing grace as getting what we don’t deserve is an obtuse idea of the “Great Grace” God gives His people. It is getting what we don’t deserve, but it is not passive but actively working in our lives to do the very thing supernaturally, that we cannot do naturally. Father God, thank You for Your “Great Grace”. Allow me to seek this grace, act in this grace, trust from this grace, and walk in Your Great Grace today, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
ACTION: Pray for “Great Grace” moments today.