Acts 4:19
“But Peter and John answered them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge,”
These men have now taken a stand against the religious leaders and their government. The language used here “listen” is not just to hear, but to hear with the intent to obey. They elevate God’s Word and commands above the national leadership. There is a warning here. We always need to obey God’s Word, and if it is in direct contrast to our governments orders, we must be ready for the consequences.
We must listen to obey
God over
Any man, at any time
We are called to obey God and not man. This always came with consequences, either being fed to lions, thrown in a furnace or a firing line. Remember, the goal is to win lost souls for the Kingdom of God. If there is a way to comply with the government and obey God completely without compromise we should strive for this no matter how painful, uncomfortable or undesirable it becomes. This is a unique circumstance, where civil disobedience is not just acceptable, but required. Father God, as our world changes and continues to go the wrong direction, help me to see Your Kingdom plans clearly and move according to Your will. Give me wisdom, insight, understanding, and prudence to put Your plan into action today, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
ACTION: Listen to God, obey God