Acts 7:28
“And the high priest said, “Are these things so?” Do you want to kill me as you killed the Egyptian yesterday?’”
Stephen is still talking to the Sanhedrin. They no doubt are starting to pick up on what Stephen is saying. First that Joseph’s own brothers did not recognize him at first, and now God is raising Moses to deliver His people and they reject him at his first coming.
The Jewish people
Were full of pride and
Pride blinds us to
God’s provision
Clearly the Jewish people did not accept Moses as he tried to bring peace and reconciliation, neither did they accept the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ at His first coming. Father God, open my eyes to Your work, as I walk humbly with You today. Help me to continually humble my heart, as I administer justice and love mercy today where I worship, work and live, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
ACTION: Be humble