Acts 4:36
“Thus Joseph, who was also called by the apostles Barnabas (which means son of encouragement), a Levite, a native of Cyprus,”

Interesting! Joseph, called Barnabas from here on out is mentioned to be a Levite and own land. The Levites were not given land by God, so they must not have been obeying God with who get land and does not get land at this time. “Son of” is used to speak the persons core characteristic into this person. The main point of changing His name to Barnabas, was to note that he is a supernatural encourager. Encouraging others, means to inspire others with confidence. To fuel another person with courage. Like injecting someone with courage!

Encouragement is to
Infuse others with

Every follow of Jesus needs encouragement in their life to keep following Jesus. Who can you encourage today? Who will you write a note to, send a text, call or speak encouragement face to face with today? Father God, thank You for the encouragement of Your Word, and infused courage from Your Spirit. Help me to encourage my family today, as we spend time together filling full Your rest in our life for this upcoming week, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

ACTION: Be an encourager