Acts 4:21
“And when they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding no way to punish them, because of the people, for all were praising God for what had happened.”

The language here is that the religious leaders are frustrated with these men, and start piling threats upon threat. They are stacking up the threats now, on top of the threats from before. Here we see the religious leaders with a big bark, but no bite. It is sad to see that the Sanhedrin are afraid of men, but do not fear God.

The fear of man
Causes men to fall
The fear of God
Causes men to
Be fearless

They feared ALL the people, because they ALL were glorifying God, for ALL that had happened. We must realize as apprentices of Jesus, there are those who oppose the gospel, but it cannot ever be shut down, because it is the “Dunamis” of God. This is the Greek word for power, and where we get the word dynamite. Father God, thank You for Your Power, and Presence. Your Spirit is Your very Presence and your Power. Allow me to lean on Your Spirit and be lead by Your Word in each area of my life, so that I and all the people around me, glorify You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

ACTION: Walk in the “Dunamis” of the Lord