Acts 3:24
“And all the prophets who have spoken, from Samuel and those who came after him, also proclaimed these days.”
Peter continues to speak clearly to the original listeners. He moves on a few hundred years from Moses to Samuel and all those prophets who came after him. Basically Peter is saying there were over 300 prophecies about Jesus before He was born, and they rejected all of them by killing Jesus. Jesus did come to set them free from Rome, but from sin. This was confusing to this nation, and they allowed their desires to outweigh God’s design.
Jesus came to
Save sinners
From sin
And set us free
To serve Him
It is a great privilege to serve a king, unless your desire is to be king. When our desire does not align with God’s design there is friction, and temptation that strikes at the heart of our mind. We must see that serving the King of kings is the great gift of our generous God. Father God, help me do away with any desire that does not match Your design. Compel my heart’s desire to agree with Your plan and perfect design for my life. Let me see You clearly today, hear Your Word above the world, and walk in step with You by faith, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
ACTION: Listen to God, believe God, and obey God