Acts 3:14
“But you denied the Holy and Righteous One, and asked for a murderer to be granted to you,”
Ouch! This must of hurt to hear and for Peter to say. Peter calls out all the Jewish people in this audience and tells them they denied Jesus and disowned Him, but as hard as that for them to hear. It must of been worse for Peter to preach it, since not that long before this, while Jesus was going to the cross, and Peter was warming his hands by the fire, Peter denied Jesus.
They all delivered
The Deliverer
Over to be murdered
Actually we all have done and did the same thing. Before we trusted in Jesus and gave our life, our entire life to Him, we were all living in constant contrast, relentless rebellion and open vile against God. To all those people judgement comes. Pray that comes in this life. Father God, thank You for sending Your Son to live perfect, because I am a sinner, for dying on a cross, so I could live today, and that Jesus rose from the dead, removing the sting of death, and living eternally, so that I too could live forever with You. Give me insight and strength today, to live this good news out in each area of my life, glorifying You, instead of denying Your presence, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
ACTION: Live grateful and glorify God