Acts 5:8
“And Peter said to her, “Tell me whether you sold the land for so much.” And she said, “Yes, for so much.””
Peter gives Sapphira the chance to make right was what wrong. He asks her the same question he asked her husband. At this moment she has the opportunity to confess her sin and be totally forgiven, but she does not and goes along with the sinful plan to hold back some of the money and lie about how much money they received for the sale of their property.
Repentance is simple
But not easy
The concept of confessing our sin and repenting before a holy God is simple enough for a child to understand but difficult for the strongest of people to adhere to. Our pride gets in the way, and thoughts of submission make us pull back rear back in our own power and strength, and say things like, I’ve made it this far, I can keep going. A thought like that lead to Sapphira’s immediate death. Father God, squelch the pride in me that leads me to believe I can do anything on my own of eternal value. Help me to be quick to confess and repent for my sin against you, and to get back in rhythm with Your Spirit. Thank You for the opportunities to quickly confess my sin, and for Your mercy when I do, that leads me in the path of righteousness. Help me to be quick to forgive, as You have forgiven me, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
ACTION: Quick to confess, Quick to forgive