Acts 7:22
“And Moses was instructed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and he was mighty in his words and deeds.”

Moses was not just protected by God, but taught to lead in Egypt and raised as a prince. His life was the abundant life, he learned so much and was built into a leader. Wisdom describes the ability to use knowledge with the correct behavior, and at this time the Egyptians had already made great advances in science, engineering, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. Moses was also being built up into a leader.

Great leaders
Are built
Not born

Yes some people seem to be born with a leadership gift, but they must learn and grow in humility, so they do not crush those they lead. Others are afraid to lead, and must grow in courage and wisdom. Father God, make me great in words and deeds, like Jesus, who was perfect in word and deed. Build me up into Your Body the Church, so that I am able to serve more people, and lead more souls to Your Son Jesus, through the gospel, and by Your grace, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

ACTION: Be built up