Acts 5:5
“When Ananias heard these words, he fell down and breathed his last. And great fear came upon all who heard of it.”

Ananias does not die because he did not give all the profits from the sale of his property to the church. Peter made it clear that nobody needed to sell anything or give anything to the church. Ananias is killed by God, because he conspired with his wife to lie about giving all they made to the church, so they could look good on the outside, while their hearts were corrupt. They lied to the Holy Spirit.

God does not help
Those who lie to
The Holy Spirit
God does not fail
Those who
Walk in The Spirit

Walking in The Spirit of God produces humility, and honesty. Ananias was lying so that he appeared to be holy on the outside, while lying to the Holy Spirit in his heart. Father God, help me to be the same in heart and hands. Continue to help my desire and my doing to look and sound like You. Help me to walk in Your Spirit today, in heart, soul, mind and strength, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

ACTION: Walk in Truth